〔整夜在聽Tchaikovsky的Eugene Onegin。你問我受了什麼刺激要把整齣歌劇聽完又聽,我當然可以有三五七個浪漫的理由。但實情可能是,剛剛交了第二期稅款,並無端被追交2003/2004, 2004/2005及2005/2006年度「少交了的稅款」,你是我,都會無心工作,都想扮哥普拉——不是哥斯拉——Francis Coppola ,每當拍戲有阻滯即大聲放La Boheme。〕
1999年的電影版,少數扣人心弦的文學改編電影,Ralph Fiennes 不能取代的貴族臉和Liv Tyler美麗而崛強的bee-stung lips。當年對這部電影有非常個人的解讀,Onegin一邊看著Tatyana不再認得的背影,一邊憶起她少女時代給他為世不容的情箋,使我非常明白the cruelty of vanity (and convention)。但太遲了。
太動聽了,簡直如聽流行曲,會有guilty pleasure.
What is this?
It seems your opponent hasn't appeared.
He'll be here any minute.
Even so, it strikes me as rather strange
that he isn't here; it's seven o'clock.
I thought he'd be waiting for us!
O golden days of my spring?
What does the coming day
have in store for me?
It escapes my eyes, it is hidden!
No matter; fate's law is just
Shall I fall to the deadly arrow,
or will it pass by?
All for better, there is a pre-determined time
For life and for sleep
Blessed is a day of simple tasks
And blessed is the day of troubles.
Will the day beam shine in the morning
And the bright day shall reign
And I, well, will I, perhaps, will descent
Into mysterious darkness of my fatal tomb?
And the memory of a strange poet
will fall into Abyss
The world shall forget me, but you,
you, Olga!
Tell me, will you, the maiden of beauty,
come to shed a tear over the early urn
And think "he loved me,
he devoted to me
The gloomy dawn of a troubled life!"
Ah Olga, I did love you,
To you alone I devoted
The gloomy dawn of my troubled life
Yes Olga, I did love you!
My wonderful friend,
my dear friend,
Come come I am your spouse
I wait for you, desired friend
come I am your husband,
Where have you gone,
o golden days of my spring?